Canberra I 24 Sep 2019
The REACH for Nepal foundation will be holding its next fund raising Gala Dinner on Tuesday 17th March 2020 at the Albert Hall in Yarralumla.
The last Gala Dinner in September 2018 was an over whelming success with 300 guests experiencing a memorable evening and raising over $20,000 for those in need in Nepal.

The March 2020 event promises to be another ‘step up’ from last year with the Australian Olympic Gold Medalist and REACH for Nepal ambassador Kim Brennan facilitating proceedings and presentations from local groups on the outstanding work completed over the past 12 to 18 months.
‘Its been a wonderful year for the foundation with much achieved by some fantastic volunteers’, Lou Nulley, Co-founder and Director of the Foundation said. ‘And we were very humbled that the work of the foundation was captured and broadcast on ABC National News in June this year’, he added.
There will be some great items available for auction, some wonderful stories, Nepalese food, and cultural dances. Wine at the event will be donated by a local popular winery.
This event is always sold out, so now is the time to get a table of 10 together at a cost of $500. To secure your place for a memorable evening for your group, please follow this link.
If you are interested in book as smaller groups or individually at $50 a head, please contact us at and we will contact you after a table has been arranged for payment.
For table bookings via direct deposit, here are the bank account details
REACH for Nepal Foundation
BSB 062908 ACC 1077 5658
Please use your name as reference.
REACH for Nepal Foundation